Campbell River Vineyard Supported Ministries
Grace Life Ministries (Ministry to India)
Kell and Lorri Frandsen began Grace Life Ministries (GLM) to work with the poor and oppressed of India. GLM seeks to empower and equip by providing tools and resources that promote self-sufficiency and improvement of lifestyle in both rural and urban communities. GLM’s main purpose and call from Jesus is to bring the gospel to India and see people truly born again. Since 2000 Grace Life and it’s India leaders have planted close to 70 churches with hundreds come to Christ in our ministry in the slums
The main areas of operation are:
•Andhra Pradesh– providing child sponsorship of high risk children from the tenements.
•Odisha– working with tribal communities to bring development that will prosper communities.
•Kandhamal District – GLM hopes to reach 2400 villages equipping our leaders who then train many young men and women to reap a very ripe harvest.
•Andhra Pradesh– providing child sponsorship of high risk children from the tenements.
•Odisha– working with tribal communities to bring development that will prosper communities.
•Kandhamal District – GLM hopes to reach 2400 villages equipping our leaders who then train many young men and women to reap a very ripe harvest.

We believe it’s God’s wisdom to bring water (wells), break poverty and bring the gospel with power. Plans are underway to set up a rescue mission of children caught in the Nepalese sex trade. GLM also works with women, providing micro- credit loans and cottage industry skills.
For more information visit their website here

Grassroots Kind Hearts Meals
Unfortunately, there are people all around us that struggle to have their basic needs met. Whether it is food, shelter, or other accommodations. We want to show the love of God by providing some of these needs.
One way Grassroots Kind Hearts does that is by making meals the 2nd Thursday every month and serving them to those who need it in Downtown Campbell River.

Neal and June Black, (formerly part of CRV), joined FamilyLife in 2005, serving as mentors,trainers, and home builders. They facilitated countless conferences and workshops teachingGod’s wisdom for marriages. These workshops area sought after resource in Canada, USA, and Europe.Neal’s main focus is training the young leaders in FamilyLife; he continually sees God cause a ripple effect, impacting families all across Canada. In the last two years,

FamilyLife trained over 700 couples to be marriage mentors so that God’s wisdom for marriages continues to be spread. The Homebuilders are regular people who strengthen their own marriage and family and pass on what they’ve learned, recruiting, inspiring and equipping others.
Visit the FamilyLife website HERE.

Spirit FM 88.7 -CHV-FM İs a broadcast radio station here in Campbell River, providing Christian contemporary, Christian rock music, and praise & worship programs. Terry Somerville is the general manager of Spirit FM and president of Total Change Christian Ministries, the parent organization.Spirit FM began broadcasting in 2011; it is the only Christian radio station on the west coast of Canada. Spirit operates as a non profit broadcaster and operates through individual donors and businesses that sponsor programs. These are tax deductible. With more support we can enlarge the ministry and even add repeaters in other communities. We want to reach Campbell River for Christ.
It really is YOUR RADIO! For more information on Spirit FM, or to listen,visit the website HERE.